When do we begin to sense something greater than ourselves? And when did I start Questioning, trusting?


My inner thoughts have always echoed loudly, even as a wide-eyed girl, enchanted by the intricate complexities of adulthood, which seemed far beyond the grasp of my tender heart. Later, surrounded by solemn priests and intimidating professors, amidst a river of prayers, I found myself seated on benches infused with the scent of pure alcohol, while outside the window, I witnessed trees bursting into spring bloom, accompanied by the distant, almost unbearable, sound of joyous laughter.

When at eighteen, in Devon, I breathed in the brisk ocean breeze and its promise of hope. There, I found solace wandering among unfamiliar yet comforting faces. Or when in Barcelona, as I embarked on my Erasmus journey, again I ventured into the unknown. The language was foreign, the thousand of instructions for a pure beginner, too complicated. Yet, I surrendered to the natural flow of unfolding events. I opened my arms, closed my eyes and I started smiling and dancing. I reconnected with a long-forgotten place and I felt fine, so hollowly fine. This was the time I discovered I was breathing, I began to feel, trust, it made me feel the moment and the place. It taught me to savour whatever I was experiencing, without exclusion. It brought me into the world.

I never imagined organizing a Retreat; it's been a long journey to get here. As I often say, it took me many lifetimes and numerous mountains to climb. I have studied books on branding and design, heard countless speeches, invested substantial hours both online and offline in various languages and expressions, fashion then luxury. I confess, I have been a workaholic, hopelessly in love with my profession and devoted to my craft.

I've read books seeking answers but what truly remains is that tangible feeling - an inviting call to nurture one's life, to cultivate. You have to be hungry and thirsty and at some point the fruit trees in spring will bloom, like the vineyard cultivated by my grandfather when I was a child or still today in Piedmont at home by my parents.

Le Langhe

In Energy of Delusion Victor Sklovskij describes how we must step out of our comfort zone, free from the secure boundaries of home, and embark on a new journey, taking flight, moved by an inner necessity. Unlike birds that follow old, predefined paths, our flight should mirror that of a human being exploring endless possibilities, opening up to the unknown.

The depths of darkness came and then came the light.

The persistent urge to comprehend often confines and simplifies what we already know. Understanding can be found in listening, in patient anticipation. As the writer Peter Bichsel reflects, we only truly listen, when we can bear the discomfort of not being able to understand.

There is a sacred breath that connects and roots us to the world when we lose ourself. It guides us to a tentative, wandering essence of existence, which becomes a sanctuary, a base camp. It is precisely in these moments of life, of my life, when meditation, yoga and genuine talks weave together and turn into a memory.

The memory of being. And this is how I crossed paths with Angela, a gifted Yoga Teacher and Yoga Therapist at her studio in Zurich, and had precious virtual chats with Jasmine, an exceptional Personal Coach during Covid times. A while ago, I asked them to join me as trusted professionals on this Retreat at Villa Rosa, a magical location where I have been to an event last summer, creating a safe base camp for every participant, an ideal space to start afresh, to feel and simply be.

Embarking on a new journey driven by the purest love, until the ego surrenders and so we welcome change. I'm doing this. Hence the desire to create a space for this first retreat, a physical place, where to be reborn.

We suffer when the beauty within us is left unexpressed. I know that listening, patiently waiting, and hosting within the body are delicate tools for unearthing and letting the roots of beauty resurface. It's a beauty without discrimination, detached from notions of separating the beautiful from the ugly.

I experienced it in a welcoming and patient way like never before during motherhood - a complete acceptance of whatever unfolds. This deep surrender sets the ground to take action, purposefully and proactively, rather than waiting for things to be.


In the midst of suffering, with a grace that resonates with both acceptance and surrender - similar to the way children inhabit joy, as if it were an innate part of their existence - I made the decision to breathe life into The Joy Project.

On this path, I was inspired as well by David Brooks The Second Mountain - The quest for a moral life. In his book he describes the first mountain as a personal ascent fueled by ego and self-definition, while the second mountain is a surrender of ego and a loss of self, a journey of contribution over acquisition. In picturing the human transition from the first to the second mountain, Brooks highlights the shift from elitism to egalitarianism. Those on the second mountain find joy not just in worldly pleasures but in the pursuit of joy, directing their lives toward an ultimate good and others. 

So here I stand, extending an invitation to you, to be a part of this very first retreat. An opportunity to let go, within a tangible space which I struggled to find on my path, where each step is an invitation to rediscover joy and purpose. It’s an offering to find new confidence and a sense of responsibility - as a conscious reminder that we are inherently equipped to navigate life’s evolving challenges and change.

And for my daughter, envisioning this unfolding project as a lasting harbour, a timeless haven for future seekers of home and connection. As she matures and seeks solace, she’ll always have a place to return.

Sharing the journey

Upon my arrival in Switzerland, on my professional journey in Zurich, I found myself sharing a desk with Maree. What began as a simple work connection blossomed into a friendship, marked by shared laughter and a mutual understanding, that has withstood the test of time.

In the midst of our evolving friendship, Maree's multifaceted nature unfolded, revealing her holistic experience that started more than two decades ago, when she embarked on her first journey to India - an initiation into holistic practices and transformative experiences that would become integral to her essence.

Having known Maree both professionally and personally, it's clear she's not just an excellent Photographer and Producer, but also an inherently caring, altruistic, polite, and endlessly curious being.

I extended an invitation for her to orchestrate with me this transformative retreat, as I know that joy, for her as it is for me, is not just an emotion but a way of life.

Fluent in multiple languages, we navigate the intricate landscape of international relations, intertwining work and motherhood. My branding and design expertise, cultivated through global exposure in luxury and fashion, complements Maree’s international experience in project management. Her deep interest in psychology, human behaviour and therapy practices, as much as her past experience in hosting a holistic retreat, brings valuable firsthand insights.

As together, for this unique retreat, our joint talents create a unique blend that aims to create a meticulously curated experience within an exclusive and private space where inspiration can emerge, stories be exchanged and new possibilities unfold.


Embarking on a new journey driven by the purest love, until the ego surrenders and we finally welcome change, opening up to the unknown.