30 August - 03 September 2024 in Le Langhe & Monferrato, piedmont, Italy

transformative Yoga & Coaching retreat

Nestled in the heart of Le Langhe & Monferrato we invite you to immerse yourself in a four nights, five days comprehensive journey of personal development within an exclusive space and an intimate group. With full accommodation and meals it’s an opportunity to rediscover your inner confidence and strength, acknowledging your inherent capability to face challenges and embrace change. A transformative experience, a chance to reconnect while opening up to the unknown.

5-days Retreat

transformative Yoga & Coaching Retreat

30 Aug - 03 Sep 2024 in le langhe & monferrato, Piedmont, Italy

We believe in the importance of a meaningful purpose in life that aligns heart, body and mind. This yoga and coaching retreat is meticulously crafted to guide you through a journey of rediscovery and individual transformation, where we come together to support each other’s personal growth and self-awareness. Scaling your second mountain, you will emerge from it inspired and deeply connected to your new self as you navigate your path to your personal purpose with joy and a sharper vision for your journey ahead.

Receive guidance

Our experienced teachers

Your Yoga Teacher and Personal Coach on this retreat have gone through certified training programs, specializing in a variety of different yoga practices including Hatha, Vini, Vinyasa, Iyengar, Tantra, Ayurveda, Vedanta, Yoga Therapy, as well as Leadership Development Coaching and Sophrology.

Both are regularly teaching students in transformative programs.

The Location

Villa Rosa

For our retreat we chose a magical energetic space, where time moves at its own pace. Neo-classical Villa Rosa is located on the rolling hills of Piedmont, in the outskirts of Asti, Piedmont. The location is renowned to be strategically at the center of two distinctive yet complementary UNESCO protected territories: The Langhe & Monferrato. Known for their world class wines, gastronomy and white truffle, the region has the typical Italian countryside feeling: the hills immersed in wineries and wheat fields, old medieval towns with unique castles and breathtaking views over the Italian Alpine Mountains.

Find a sense of home, a place of comfort, trust and care. An ideal space where you can let go, transform and reconnect with yourself.

Upcoming events


    January 18, 2025 - Younion Yoga, Zurich CH

    We are delighted to invite you to an exclusive Transformative Yoga & Coaching Workshop.

    Indulge in a day of profound self-discovery led by our expert teacher & coach in the serene ambiance of the Younion Yoga studio in Zurich, Switzerland.

    Seize this opportunity to transform your mind, body, and spirit.

    To secure your spot and receive all the details, please register your interest. Further information will be provided to our esteemed guests upon confirmation.